Lawn Care

Jul 15, 2015
Sector Groups active in industry issues
Landscape Ontario has ten groups to address the specific needs of green industry sectors.

Jul 4, 2014
Getting your lawn ready for spring
If your lawn is looking dull and brown after the long winter, have no fear, Denis Flanagan from Landscape Ontario offers some tips.

Jul 4, 2014
5 easy steps to a lush green lawn this summer
Denis Flanagan from Landscape Ontario provides five easy steps to getting a lush, green lawn for the summer.
Jul 4, 2014
Spring lawn and garden tips
Denis Flanagan, Landscape Ontario Public Relations Manager on CBC Newsworld April 13, 2009 sharing some helpful spring lawn and gardening tips.

Jun 15, 2014
Crews return to prepare St. James Park for spring
Volunteers clean up debris that remained after a long winter.
Jun 15, 2013
Research team looks at biopesticides for lawn care industry
Project addressed the problem of white grubs and chinch bugs in lawn turf.