December 1, 2023
2023 President's Report

Where did the past two years go? When I wrote my first article, businesses were just beginning to recover from the effects of COVID, box tree moth infestations were starting to move beyond the GTA, CEBA grants were extended, and we had the opportunity to celebrate the International Year of the Garden. The future was ours.
The future is still ours! These last two years have been the opportunity of a lifetime — being at the helm of the Landscape Ontario board of directors. The board is made up of movers and shakers in the profession. Each director represents their chapter, sector group or membership with compassion and professionalism. It has been my privilege to watch this board grow. They are not afraid to have their chapter’s or sector’s issues heard, to stand up for fairness, to strengthen their personal and professional toolboxes (especially concerning mental health), to suggest and lead committees, to name but a few. All of these important things are done with respect, due diligence and once again, professionalism.
My presidential theme was “Defining the Future.” The future of the profession. The future of Landscape Ontario. The future of our respective companies. I feel that the future is bright.
Landscape Ontario is in good hands under the leadership of a fine executive director, Joe Salemi. He can take board-driven ideas to his leadership team and lo and behold, they are implemented. Each board committee has a staff representative who can ensure that actions are completed. The committee structure has grown to support the work of Landscape Ontario including Governance, Membership, By-laws, Inclusion, Diversity and Belonging, Workforce Development, Snow and Ice, Building, Communications, Insurance, etc...etc. Each committee represents a distinct yet complementary part that makes up the fabric of Landscape Ontario.
Next month, I am looking forward to welcoming Ed Hansen as the new Landscape Ontario president as I move into the past president role. Ed brings a wealth of expertise from his years in business in the Ottawa area. Some faces on the board will be changing and that will allow for more diversity and differing perspectives, which is very good for the profession and Landscape Ontario. As always, I urge you to please consider joining a committee. It’s a true opportunity — and you can only grow from the experience.
Cheers and thank you!
The future is still ours! These last two years have been the opportunity of a lifetime — being at the helm of the Landscape Ontario board of directors. The board is made up of movers and shakers in the profession. Each director represents their chapter, sector group or membership with compassion and professionalism. It has been my privilege to watch this board grow. They are not afraid to have their chapter’s or sector’s issues heard, to stand up for fairness, to strengthen their personal and professional toolboxes (especially concerning mental health), to suggest and lead committees, to name but a few. All of these important things are done with respect, due diligence and once again, professionalism.
My presidential theme was “Defining the Future.” The future of the profession. The future of Landscape Ontario. The future of our respective companies. I feel that the future is bright.
Landscape Ontario is in good hands under the leadership of a fine executive director, Joe Salemi. He can take board-driven ideas to his leadership team and lo and behold, they are implemented. Each board committee has a staff representative who can ensure that actions are completed. The committee structure has grown to support the work of Landscape Ontario including Governance, Membership, By-laws, Inclusion, Diversity and Belonging, Workforce Development, Snow and Ice, Building, Communications, Insurance, etc...etc. Each committee represents a distinct yet complementary part that makes up the fabric of Landscape Ontario.
Next month, I am looking forward to welcoming Ed Hansen as the new Landscape Ontario president as I move into the past president role. Ed brings a wealth of expertise from his years in business in the Ottawa area. Some faces on the board will be changing and that will allow for more diversity and differing perspectives, which is very good for the profession and Landscape Ontario. As always, I urge you to please consider joining a committee. It’s a true opportunity — and you can only grow from the experience.
Cheers and thank you!
Respectfully submitted,
Lindsay Drake Nightingale
President 2022-2023
Lindsay Drake Nightingale
President 2022-2023