March 1, 2017

Dianthus Supra Pink is one of of the 2017 All-America Selections winners.
AAS announces second group of 2017 winners
All-America Selections presents 11 AAS Winners for the 2017 garden season. Each of the selections was trialed in North America by professional, independent, volunteer judges during one growing season. Each was trialed next to comparison cultivars that are considered best-in-class among those currently on the market.
The latest group of AAS Winners for 2017 includes Dianthus Supra Pink, Fennel Antares, Geranium Calliope Medium Dark Red, Penstemon Twizzle Purple, Pepper Mad Hatter, Tomato Chef’s Choice Yellow, Tomato Patio Choice Yellow, Verbena Endurascape Pink Bicolour, Vinca Mega Bloom Orchid Halo, Vinca Mega Bloom Pink Halo and Zinnia Profusion Red. These winners were announced in November of 2016, joining Celosia Asian Garden and four edible cultivars announced in July.