February 15, 2013
Allison achieves certification first

John Allison
Allison works for City of Brampton within the planning design and development department. “I review and comment on landscape plans submitted for site plan applications and new development projects. My main role though, is to coordinate and ensure that all city mandates and standards are achieved with regards to streetscaping/landscaping on capital road projects,” he says.
When asked why he pursued Landscape Industry Certified designations, Allison stated, “Since coming to Canada back in 2001, I was introduced to both CNLA and LO through trade shows and events. It became very clear to me that what the associations were doing in the industry was astonishing. Promoting the importance of continued education and skills development is one of, if not the foremost, reason why I continue to practice and be proud of our industry.”
He said he was proud, honoured and excited to have achieved all three designations. “It has taken a lot of time and effort over the last six years to get to this achievement. It certainly didn’t come easy, but the rewards definitely outweigh the sacrifices. This industry is fortunate to have such amazing talent and I’m just grateful to be a part of it.”
Allison advises industry members to go for it, if they enjoy and believe in the industry. “Certification is a sure win-win. Certification is there to challenge you, however, if you don’t succeed at first, get back in the saddle and try again. The rewards and fulfilment of accomplishing a certification certainly outweigh any earlier doubts.
More information on certification may be found at www.horttrades.com/landscape-industry-certified.