January 15, 2010
Are You Landscape Industry Certified?
By Sally Harvey CLT, CLP
Education and Labour Development Department
Many questions about the Landscape Industry Certified program are being heard, and will continue throughout this year and into the future. We have a new brand with a new message that will enable all certified individuals (CHT, CLP, CLD) to call themselves Landscape Industry Certified, beginning January, 2010.
The new international brand speaks clearly to the consumer, which will provide a competitive edge for landscape companies who employ certified individuals. In the past there has been confusion among consumers about our services in regards to what all of the acronyms, mentioned above, mean. It was felt that the public didn’t pay attention to them. Now, we have the opportunity to explain what it means with this clear and concise message that speaks volumes. Landscape Industry Certified people will be recognized as qualified in this Industry.
How is Landscape Ontario promoting the new message?
To share how you have marketed the new brand, please email me, so that I may highlight innovative marketing strategies in future articles.
So what are you waiting for? My advice to every professional landscape firm that wants to promote its professionalism and be recognized as qualified, is to get Landscape Industry Certified! Consumers will expect it!
There are many advantages to the program that range from developing and proving competency, to accessing the provincial and federal government incentives that come with a Red Seal trade certification. The promotion has created a temporary hiccup. The hiccup is that the demand has exceeded the seat availability budgeted for by the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities (MTCU). Unfortunately, several apprentices who are registered across the province are now on a waiting list for the in-school portion of the program. Fear not, you will get in to the in-school portion. In the meantime, make sure that you continue to work in the field, recording your on-the-job training in the Training Standards book and check-off the developed skills that you accomplish. For those interested in pursuing apprenticeship, register sooner than later with your employer, to ensure that your name is on a waiting list. This will also prove there is a demand, which in turn will prompt MTCU to do everything in its power to release enough seats in the future. To register as an apprentice, go to www.horttrades.com/apprenticeship.
Contact Sally Harvey should you have any questions at sharvey@landscapontario.com.
Education and Labour Development Department

The new international brand speaks clearly to the consumer, which will provide a competitive edge for landscape companies who employ certified individuals. In the past there has been confusion among consumers about our services in regards to what all of the acronyms, mentioned above, mean. It was felt that the public didn’t pay attention to them. Now, we have the opportunity to explain what it means with this clear and concise message that speaks volumes. Landscape Industry Certified people will be recognized as qualified in this Industry.
How is Landscape Ontario promoting the new message?
- At Congress we will have a Landscape Industry Certified pavilion, where we will provide additional information and to discuss ways in which to market your designation(s).
- We are providing a launch to 80,000 consumers at Canada Blooms 2010, when we will promote the brand and the concept of hiring Certified experts to undertake their landscape projects.
- We are planning to host written and practical exams in 2010 in several cities, including Milton, Windsor, Ottawa, London and hopefully in the Niagara region. Written tests only will also be available at Congress 2010, Green Trades 2010, Canada Blooms 2010 and throughout the year.
- Differentiate yourself by using the new Landscape Industry Certified logo that pertains to your specific designation.
- Include the new logo on your marketing materials, including business cards, brochures, quotes, contracts, trucks, equipment, etc. CNLA will make logos available to current holders of certificates.
- Educate your customer. Tell them your story about your qualifications and certifications. Convince them of the value of hiring Landscape Industry Certified.
To share how you have marketed the new brand, please email me, so that I may highlight innovative marketing strategies in future articles.
So what are you waiting for? My advice to every professional landscape firm that wants to promote its professionalism and be recognized as qualified, is to get Landscape Industry Certified! Consumers will expect it!
Apprenticeship update
Apprenticeship has been promoted greatly this past year. I think it is an amazing deal. Get paid to go to school and train on-the-job to develop your competency to take back to your employer and customers and deliver superior products and services with the new knowledge and skill. How cool is that?There are many advantages to the program that range from developing and proving competency, to accessing the provincial and federal government incentives that come with a Red Seal trade certification. The promotion has created a temporary hiccup. The hiccup is that the demand has exceeded the seat availability budgeted for by the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities (MTCU). Unfortunately, several apprentices who are registered across the province are now on a waiting list for the in-school portion of the program. Fear not, you will get in to the in-school portion. In the meantime, make sure that you continue to work in the field, recording your on-the-job training in the Training Standards book and check-off the developed skills that you accomplish. For those interested in pursuing apprenticeship, register sooner than later with your employer, to ensure that your name is on a waiting list. This will also prove there is a demand, which in turn will prompt MTCU to do everything in its power to release enough seats in the future. To register as an apprentice, go to www.horttrades.com/apprenticeship.
Contact Sally Harvey should you have any questions at sharvey@landscapontario.com.