March 1, 2017

Display gardens at Canada Blooms will reflect sesquicentennial celebrations for Canada.
Canada Blooms celebrates nation’s birthday
There will be a whole lot of red and white at Canada Blooms 2017, as the country’s largest flower and garden festival celebrates the nation’s 150th birthday. With the theme “Oh! Canada,” the festival is inviting design/build professionals and floral experts to dazzle visitors with unique interpretations of the True North, strong and free. With some 30 gardens in the works, this year’s festival promises to one of the most beautiful and vibrant displays of the green professions to date.
“We are proud of the strong relationship we share with landscape professionals and sector groups and look forward to another fantastic show,” said Terry Caddo, general manager of Canada Blooms. “One example of that connection will be the grower’s group plans to create a display promoting the benefits of using material grown in Ontario. The display will incorporate interactive apple tree grafting provided by Winkelmolen Nurseries, and a different grower will be on-site each day to meet the public and answer questions. It really is an exciting opportunity to get their message out to the public.”
The annual event is set for March 10-19 2017 at the Enercare Centre in Toronto, Ont. For more information, visit