May 15, 2010

From left, Michael LaPorte, president of Georgian Lakelands Chapter, Aileen Carrol, County of Simcoe MPP, Paula King, executive director of Elizabeth Fry Society of Simcoe County, Bob Adams, LO’s immediate past president, Sheila Allin, Chapter treasurer, Jeff Lee, Chapter vice-president, and David Emms, Chapter director.
Chapter collects over $1,300 and 800 pounds of food
The second annual food drive by LO’s Georgian Lakelands Chapter raised a total of $1,331 and over 800 pounds of food.
Paula King, executive director of the Elizabeth Fry Society of Simcoe County, thanked the chapter members for their commitment to the 11,000-plus people who use the Grocery Assistance Program. “We hope that next year you will again participate in this fabulous event,” said King.
“The day was a huge success for Elizabeth Fry and for us, as we handed out close to 200 Garden Inspiration magazines that we stuffed with LO handouts,” said Lexi Dearborn, chapter secretary.
The event received excellent media coverage on local television and newspapers. As well, special guests attended the event throughout the day, including Simcoe MP Patrick Brown, Barrie city councillor Jeff Lehman, Simcoe MPP Aileen Carroll, Barrie mayor Dave Aspden and former Simcoe MPP Joe Tascona to talk and have their pictures taken with LO members and staff of Elizabeth Fry. Mike LaPorte and Bob Adams greeted the special guests and talked-up LO.
A special ‘thank you’ goes to Warren Patterson for allowing the chapter to locate the LO display in the parking lot at Botanix and for the pansies and planting materials, which allowed each child to go home with a potted plant.
A humorous event during the day occurred when a group went to Sobeys in the north end, thinking it was a pick-up site for food. When the volunteers went in and asked for the food for the Elizabeth Fry Society, Sobeys gave 47 bags. The volunteer was later informed that Sobeys was not one of the collection sites.
Lexi Dearborn thanked all the LO and Elizabeth Fry volunteers for a great job. She also thanked members who donated gifts for the draw “Thank you, thank you, thank you for your time and for making the food drive a huge success!! Until next year…”
Paula King, executive director of the Elizabeth Fry Society of Simcoe County, thanked the chapter members for their commitment to the 11,000-plus people who use the Grocery Assistance Program. “We hope that next year you will again participate in this fabulous event,” said King.
“The day was a huge success for Elizabeth Fry and for us, as we handed out close to 200 Garden Inspiration magazines that we stuffed with LO handouts,” said Lexi Dearborn, chapter secretary.
The event received excellent media coverage on local television and newspapers. As well, special guests attended the event throughout the day, including Simcoe MP Patrick Brown, Barrie city councillor Jeff Lehman, Simcoe MPP Aileen Carroll, Barrie mayor Dave Aspden and former Simcoe MPP Joe Tascona to talk and have their pictures taken with LO members and staff of Elizabeth Fry. Mike LaPorte and Bob Adams greeted the special guests and talked-up LO.
A special ‘thank you’ goes to Warren Patterson for allowing the chapter to locate the LO display in the parking lot at Botanix and for the pansies and planting materials, which allowed each child to go home with a potted plant.
A humorous event during the day occurred when a group went to Sobeys in the north end, thinking it was a pick-up site for food. When the volunteers went in and asked for the food for the Elizabeth Fry Society, Sobeys gave 47 bags. The volunteer was later informed that Sobeys was not one of the collection sites.
Lexi Dearborn thanked all the LO and Elizabeth Fry volunteers for a great job. She also thanked members who donated gifts for the draw “Thank you, thank you, thank you for your time and for making the food drive a huge success!! Until next year…”