Public Relations
Apr 3, 2020
A new chapter
Denis Flanagan is looking forward to spending more time with is family in retirement.
Feb 4, 2020
Chapter chat
Landscape Ontario's chapter presidents gathered for the first time ever at Congress to discuss ideas and challenges, spearheaded by Laurie Ann Stuart.

Dec 15, 2019
It’s all about the kids
Members and chapters continue to run events that raise money for local kids' organizations and charities.
Nov 15, 2019
Your professional image
Members enjoy promotion of their business through many association initiatives.

Sep 15, 2019
Staying connected
Some of the many connections and relationships Landscape Ontario maintains to promote members and their services.
Jul 15, 2019
How you can help us to help you
Spread the word about the many benefits you enjoy as a member of Landscape Ontario.

Jun 15, 2019
Another successful tree planting
Not even bad weather can stop an army of dedicated volunteers.
Apr 1, 2019
Busy as a March hare and mad as a hatter
LO chapters are busy participating in home and garden shows across the province.

Mar 7, 2019
Members work working together to better serve the growing needs of today's clients.

Jan 29, 2019
Connecting with nature
Allowing curiosity in children can help to connect them with nature.

Dec 12, 2018
Past, present and yet to come
Changes faced by independent garden centres of the the years.

Nov 6, 2018
It's crunch time
LO home office staff continue through a busy season while located in temporary offices during the building renovation.

Jul 15, 2018
A window to the world
A front yard garden provides a great place for neighbours to chat.
Jun 15, 2018
A new day is dawning
A new generation of gardeners are provides an opportunity for the landscape profession.

May 15, 2018
Three approaches to a membeship makeover
Different methods are being used to attract new members to the association.

Mar 15, 2018
Staying ahead of your clients
Spring home and garden shows offer the latest trends, products and services.
Feb 15, 2018
Why hire a professional?
Members show their real expertise through various public appearances.

Jan 15, 2018
New member campaign for 2018
The top-three reasons why companies become members of Landscape Ontario.
Nov 15, 2017
Planning for the year ahead
Landscape Ontario continues to promote member companies through a wide range of events and partnerships.

Oct 15, 2017
Canada hosts world-class garden centre congress
Five-day event showcases the best of Ontario retail and grower operations.
Jul 15, 2017
Former student members are now successful business owners
A look at how some successful business owners got their start.

May 15, 2017
Celebrating women of influence in our profession
A new award will recognize women who make an impact in the green profession.

Apr 16, 2017
Province-wide promotions
A number of initiatives this spring help to promote LO members to the public.

Mar 15, 2017
Happy 150th birthday Canada
Horticultural profession has many events to celebrate significant milestone.

Feb 15, 2017
Bring back the green
Working with plants is one sure way to attract young people to a career in the profession.

Jan 15, 2017
March of the Millennials
LO's younger home office staff are taking charge of this year's membership campaign.
Dec 15, 2016
Trends and challenges in 2017
Healthy living, soundscaping and gardening products delivered right to your door.

Nov 15, 2016
The power of partnerships
Landscape Ontario enjoys representation in many other groups and organizations with similar goals.

Nov 1, 2016
Members in the media
Landscape Ontario gives members access to media coverage a number of different ways.

Oct 22, 2016
Food, glorious food
Our green professions are well-positioned to be a major link in this blossoming food chain.

Sep 15, 2016
Touching the Stones
London Chapter is participating in the Battle of the Atlantic Memorial at HMCS Prevost.

Jun 15, 2016
From panda-mania to peat moss
Some recent events provided opportunities to promote the horticulture industry.

May 15, 2016
Hire a professional
Members help to promote the "Hire a Professional" message from Windsor to Ottawa.
Apr 15, 2016
A circle check for your company
Having these documents handy for potential clients will help you to close the deal.

Mar 15, 2016
Celebrating 10,000 years of dedication
Long-standing association member companies are being recognized with a special plaque.

Feb 15, 2016
ABCs of membership and online training
The strongest benefits of membership in Landscape Ontario.

Jan 15, 2016
Giant steps in 2016
Staff and members are about to launch a new campaign to increase membership by 10 per cent this year.

Dec 15, 2015
All Chapters on the same page
November was an extremely busy month for Chapter meetings.

Nov 15, 2015
Just like butterflies
The wonderful LO volunteers, who make these projects a success, remind me of butterflies.

Oct 15, 2015
Giving thanks
As we celebrate the season of Thanksgiving, it seems fitting to recognize the amazing efforts that our members contribute to the wellbeing of our industry.

Jul 15, 2015
LO promotes your company to the public
We all know that promotion and advertising can be time consuming and costly.

Jun 15, 2015
Signs of spring
Here are three companies that are fine examples of a vibrant horticultural industry in Ontario.

May 15, 2015
Over one-million gardeners inspired
This past fall and winter season has been incredibly busy for Landscape Ontario staff, members and volunteers.

Apr 15, 2015
A tale of two cities
A couple of months ago, I was comfortably reading a book, when I received a telephone call from Karen MacLean...

Mar 15, 2015
What happens in Ottawa does not stay in Ottawa
Your Milton office supported the Ottawa Chapter GreenTrade Show in February.

Feb 15, 2015
A healthy industry
United Nations has declared 2015 The International Year of Soil, in an attempt to raise awareness and promote more sustainable use of this critical resource.

Jan 15, 2015
The media love our industry
Last month, just before Christmas, we were contacted by a CTV producer who wanted to do a live program about the holiday season.

Dec 15, 2014
Year of the green wooden sheep
According to the Chinese Zodiac, 2015 is the year of the sheep, with some versions adding the words green and wood.

Nov 15, 2014
A flourishing partnership
For several years now we have had a wonderful partnership with the Master Gardeners of Ontario.

Oct 15, 2014
Developing a sense of pride
This is a fantastic morale-boosting idea for hard-working parks and recreation crew members so they may gain recognition among their peers.
Sep 15, 2014
Trials and tribulations
The last month was an incredibly busy time for everybody involved with LO.

Aug 15, 2014
Curb appeal
As part of our work to promote the landscaping industry to the public, this is part of a press release sent out for the summer.

May 15, 2014
A busy summer of planning, promotion and public relations
Your membership department is in full swing right now, planning for many events this summer.
Apr 15, 2014
The underground economy
Revenue Canada is using an outreach program to consumers that will educate them about hiring contractors.
Feb 15, 2014
Keep tracking the trends
Membership in Landscape Ontario helps you to keep up with the latest trends that your clients are already aware of.

Jan 15, 2014
Associate with a winning team
Whether it’s sports or business, I think we all feel good about being part of a successful team or organization.

Dec 15, 2013
Tis the season for sharing
As a member benefit, you can utilize the press releases for your own company.

Oct 15, 2013
Revitalized Chapters
Enthusiasm, camaraderie and willingness to make our membership a success at the local level is alive and well.

Sep 15, 2013
Public awareness
One of the goals set out by the provincial board is to make LO more relevant to the public.

Jun 15, 2013
Strategic plan in action
Our participation in these recent events was aimed to fulfill some of the goals of the strategic plan.

May 15, 2013
Come grow with us
Come grow with us was the theme of the first National Canadian Master Gardeners Conference, held from Apr. 5 to 7.

Apr 15, 2013
Chapters help kids all year long
LO members have created many opportunities for children to become involved with horticulture throughout the year.

Mar 15, 2013
Spring promotions
Already this year, we have had many requests to be involved in public relations opportunities.

Jan 15, 2013
Allowing chapters to prosper
As we celebrate Landscape Ontario’s 40th anniversary, there are many conversations amongst members with regard to the early days in the industry and how Chapters were the driving force behind the success of this Association.

Dec 15, 2012
Focus on Chapters
As part of our support for Chapters in 2012, we had staff members attend as many meetings and events as possible.

Nov 15, 2012
It’s no longer kids’ play
Volunteers recently completed yet another school greening project in the Waterloo area.

Sep 15, 2012
Back to school
Marette Sharpe is studying environmental sciences (co-op) at the University of Guelph. She majors in natural resources management and was fortunate to secure a job working for Mark Cullen this past summer.

Aug 15, 2012
Retailers of distinction
I’m sure your local paper is full of advertisements for some garden centres offering “Inventory Clearout,” or “End of Season Sale.”

Jul 15, 2012
Healing the Landscape
Visitors to today’s Sudbury may wonder what happened to the community’s infamous moonscape.

Jun 15, 2012
A tree trip to remember
A fundraising event in Goderich helped raise awareness of the massive tree planting program that was initiated following the devastating tornado that wreaked havoc on August 21, 2011.

May 15, 2012
LO community spirit strong in Sarnia
A chance to speak with a few of members at the Sarnia Home Show in April.

Apr 15, 2012
Public profile for our members
One of our member benefit public relations goals for 2012 is to integrate our media messaging at the Chapter level with the work of our members.

Mar 15, 2012
Lecture series provides insight
The audience at LO’s annual Contractor Lecture series enjoyed two very insightful presentations by industry veterans.
Feb 15, 2012
Province-wide relevance
As you read this, we will of course be in the middle of preparations for Canada Blooms.

Jan 15, 2012
Practical hints on telling our story
Tips for how to market your company when talking with local media.

Dec 15, 2011
Garden of fond memories
One of our goals in 2012 is to continue to recognize the wonderfully generous contributions that our members make to their local communities.
Nov 15, 2011
Green for Life Community Awards
Twenty-six communities were recognized with certificates and a winner for each of the three categories.

Oct 15, 2011
A new direction
Following instructions from your provincial board of directors, we will focus on a new concept to serve members from a public relations perspective.

Sep 15, 2011
Public wowed at trial gardens open house
The partnership between Landscape Ontario and University of Guelph to develop the trial gardens on your Milton site has developed into a real success story.
Aug 15, 2011
Associations with the same goal
As part of my job description, I represent Landscape Ontario on several boards and committees with other organizations.

Jul 15, 2011
A green roof of a different kind
LO helped promote and participate in the recent Green Tie Fundraiser at Sutton Place Hotel.

Jun 15, 2011
A balancing act
Life and work is often a balancing act as we must decide on what we will spend our time doing.

May 15, 2011
The power of local marketing
The Sarnia Home Show does an amazing job at attracting visitors who are anxious to renovate their homes and start a landscaping project.

Apr 15, 2011
If only all challenges were this much fun
During 2011 there will be a real focus on tree planting programs, with a new bill being passed that officially recognizes National Tree Planting Day.
Mar 15, 2011
Partnerships pay off
Part of the success of Landscape Ontario has been the readiness of the Provincial Board to encourage partnerships with other organizations.

Feb 15, 2011
Green for Life brand: You are the vital link
Members need to continue to promote the association's brand to the public.

Jan 15, 2011
Celebrating communities in 2011
Having attended a few chapter meetings lately, I once again am amazed at the number of community projects our members are planning for the coming year.
Dec 15, 2010
Stay tuned
TV stations often repeat the segments during the holiday season, which means prolonged exposure for the Landscape Ontario’s Green for Life brand.

Nov 15, 2010
Greening our communities
As part of my role representing LO, I am the current chair of Communities in Bloom Ontario, an organization that has added enormous value to towns and cities across Canada.
Oct 15, 2010
Make the web work for you
Just over two years ago, following a directive from the provincial board, a new consumer website for LO was created.
Sep 15, 2010
Promote, Promote, Promote
Many of you may be familiar with the following fable. It reflects what happens when we cut back or fail to promote our businesses.

Aug 15, 2010
Ontario sod on the world stage
On July 16 two of the top soccer (football) teams in the world, Manchester United and Celtic Football Club, played an exhibition game at the Rogers Centre in Toronto.

Jul 15, 2010
Backbone of the business
F.H. Petersen was once the main contractor for the Weall and Cullen’s flagship store in North York, back in the 1970s and ’80s.
Jun 15, 2010
New ventures promote our industry
This summer we will continue to promote our members’ public image by exploring new ideas, partnerships and opportunities.
May 15, 2010
From Waupoos to Windsor in a weekend
Just like landscaping jobs, public relations opportunities sometimes arrive all at the same time.

Apr 15, 2010
Co-operative marketing of Green for Life
Marketing our Green for Life brand to the public may occur in many ways.
Mar 15, 2010
Obamas to plant vegetable garden at White House
When this headline appeared in The New York Times earlier this year, it certainly caught people’s attention, both gardeners and non-gardeners alike.
Feb 15, 2010
Red roses and Blue Jays
February always reminds me of one of my favourite stories in the business.
Jan 15, 2010
Strategy in place to promote Green for Life in 2010
Following a think tank session with your LO Branding Committee and Milton staff, we have developed a strategic plan for 2010.
Dec 15, 2009
It is the season of giving
We are often reminded at this time of year to be generous with our contributions to various charities and other groups in need of help.
Nov 15, 2009
Members may use professional articles for marketing
The priorities for our members include professional development and public awareness.
Oct 15, 2009
Weather forecasters are friends of LO
Whenever LO members come together, it’s guaranteed that the weather will be a topic in any conversation.
Sep 15, 2009
Green for Life offers many options to improve the planet
We have such a diverse membership in Landscape Ontario, with everyone concentrating on the same glorious goal of making our planet a greener place to live.
Aug 15, 2009
Giving back to our communities
An important part of branding Landscape Ontario through our Green for Life campaign is to celebrate how effective our members are in their local communities.
Jul 15, 2009
Back to basics: Green for Life, for YOU!
Chances are, if you’re reading this column, we have probably met. Over my years in the green industry, I’ve had the privilege of meeting literally thousands of horticulture professionals.
Jun 15, 2009
Spring is in the air
A sure sign of spring this year was seeing our members, once again, contribute to their communities on Earth Day.
May 15, 2009
Green for Life takes flight
Following the launch of the Green for Life promotion at Canada Blooms, it’s been a continual road trip in and out of various communities.
Apr 15, 2009
A personal reflection
It’s Sat., Mar. 21st. at 10 p.m., room 1500, in the newly renovated Hyatt Hotel, King St., in Toronto.
Mar 15, 2009
A consumer show template
As we move into some exciting times with our Green for Life campaign, we will try and make it as easy as possible for chapters, sector groups and individual members to help get the message out to consumers.
Feb 15, 2009
A day of youthful enthusiasm in Niagara
Youthful enthusiasm filled the room during the recent Niagara Falls Schools in Bloom.
Jan 15, 2009
The year 2008 in review
The year 2008 wound down for our communications department with two large consumer events: The Royal Winter Fair and The Crystal Ball Gala.
Dec 15, 2008
Keeping in style
As part of our continuing branding initiative, the goal is to form as many partnerships as possible to promote the LO name and our members.
Nov 15, 2008
LO members help fight skin cancer
Landscape Ontario was contacted a couple of months ago with a request to become involved in a new project launched by the Southwest Public Health Skin Cancer Prevention Network.
Oct 15, 2008
The Next Generation
I am now working full time promoting our industry and the LO name to as many markets as possible.
Sep 15, 2008
Make the most of your garden
The theme at this year’s Hampton Court Flower Show was ‘Make the Most of your Garden.’
Aug 15, 2008
Public Relations — It’s time to build relationships
As some of you may know, office personnel at your Milton office have shuffled. This change will allow me to now concentrate more on promoting our industry and the professional image of our members to the media and the consumer.
Jul 15, 2008
You be the judge
By the time this article appears in Horticulture Review, over 20 judges with the Communities in Bloom (CiB) program will be travelling across Ontario in their quest to evaluate participants in the annual contest that fosters civic pride.
Jun 15, 2008
What a difference a year makes
Just over a year ago, Ken Pavely and I gave public presentations in a number of communities across the province.
May 15, 2008
LO display highlight of Quinte show
As we all know, a successful project relies on a solid plan, a well thought-out work schedule and outstanding teamwork.
Apr 15, 2008
LO, Communities in Bloom and community spirit
During this year’s Canada Blooms, Landscape Ontario and Communities in Bloom (CiB) partnered to create an eye-catching display to help promote the CiB program.
Mar 15, 2008
A plan to market your business
On behalf of the members, we are in the midst of developing some very exciting marketing concepts.
Feb 15, 2008
Home office: A full house during seminar season
On the first week of our Winter Professional Development Series the parking lot at LO’s home office in Milton was jam packed, and every meeting room was full to capacity — a fabulous indication of how keen our members are to improve their practical and business skills.