Comment on proposed changes to pesticide licensing program
Provide your input by March 2, 2018
Operators who hold pesticide licenses are invited to review and comment on proposed changes to the pesticide licensing program administered by the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC).
MOECC has posted a proposal notice called Moving Pesticide Licensing Program from Paper-Based to Electronic Service Delivery to the Environmental Registry website. Comments will be accepted via the website until March 2, 2018.
While there will be no changes to the requirements to obtain a license renewal (ie: no recertification requirement or increase in renewal fee), specific license information will be made public. The proposed changes are the result of the government moving from a paper-based system to an online system that will enable licences to be applied for and issued online.
It is anticipated these amendments will come into force when the Ministry’s online pesticide licence electronic system is launched on Sept. 1, 2018.
On Nov. 14, 2017, legislative amendments to the Pesticides Act and Environmental Protection Act to enable online service delivery of the pesticides licensing program received Royal Assent as part of the government’s Cutting Unnecessary Red Tape Act, 2017.
Read a letter from the Ministry below as well as a link to the proposed changes and comment form. The proposal has been posted for a period of 45 days and all feedback received during the consultation period will be considered by the Ministry.
Read the proposed changes and submit comments
Letter from Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change
Good afternoon,I am writing to let you know that the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change has posted a proposal notice for “Moving Pesticide Licensing Program from Paper-Based to Electronic Service Delivery” to the Environmental and Regulatory Registries.
On November 14, 2017, legislative amendments to the Pesticides Act and Environmental Protection Act to enable online service delivery of the pesticides licensing program received Royal Assent as part of the government’s Cutting Unnecessary Red Tape Act, 2017.
Subsequently, there are proposed regulatory amendments which enable licences to be applied for and issued online, if prescribed requirements are met. These proposed regulatory changes do not include any change in the fees associated with pesticide licence applications, and would allow certain information about the licence holders to be available to the public. This information includes copies of operator and vendor licences, as well as the names, licence numbers, licence types, and expiration dates on exterminator licences. The proposed amendments also do not change the requirements or the current fee structure for pesticide licence applications.
It is anticipated that these amendments will come into force when the ministry’s online pesticide licence electronic system is launched on September 1, 2018.
For more detail on the Ministry’s proposal, as well as an opportunity to provide comment, please see the Ministry’s Proposal Notice on the Environmental Registry at: https://www.ebr.gov.on.ca/ERS-WEB-External/displaynoticecontent.do?noticeId=MTM0MjA0&statusId=MjA0MTY1&language=en. This proposal has been posted for a period of 45 days and all feedback received during the consultation period will be considered by the ministry.
We are also planning on-line outreach sessions to gather feedback on the proposed regulatory amendments and also demonstrate the online application process. If you are interested in participating, please contact Rainer Dinkelmann.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Rainer Dinkelmann at rainer.dinkelmann@ontario.ca or 416-325-7120.
Blair Rohaly, Director (A)
Business Transformation Branch
Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change