Fall Perennials – Add some colour to your landscape!
As we complete our tour of fall colour plants for Ontario gardens lets not forget the perennial collection. While we have a good number of trees, shrubs and vines that can add a splash of colour late in the season, we have many herbaceous perennials that will grow back every year and sparkle with colour until the frost.
As with most of our perennial garden beds we suggest planting in these fall colour plants in groups of at least 3 to 5 plants so they make a bigger visual impact! Some fun in our fall perennial list as we have a few plants that are considered ‘weeds’ by non-gardeners – we see Globe Thistle and Goldenrod both making our list. The fall flowering Goldenrod is maligned and ignored by Canadian gardeners, no doubt because it grows wild everywhere and for some causes hay fever. In Britain, where it is less common, Goldenrod is highly valued.
The plants listed will let you take advantage of the change of season and keep your garden interesting and colourful until the heavy frosts and first snow of winter.
Perennials for Fall Colour | |
Sneezewort, Achillea ptarmica | white |
Yarrow. 2, A. taygetea | yellow |
Monkshood, Aconitum | blue |
Japanese Anemone, Anemone japonica | pink/white |
Mugwort, Artemisia lactiflora | white |
Italian Aster, Aster amellus | blue, purple |
New England Aster, A. novae-angliae | purple, pink, white |
New York Aster, A. novi-belgii | violet |
Boltonia, B. asteroides | white |
Carpathian Harebell, Campanula carpatica | blue |
Chrysanthemum, C. x morifolium | various |
Coreopsis (flowering since June, will still be flowering in Sept.) | yellow |
Purple Coneflower, Echinacea purpurea | purple |
Globe Thistle, Echinops | blue |
Gallardia, G. x grandiflora (still flowering since June) | red and yellow |
Sneezeweed, Helenium autumnale | bronze, yellow |
Sunflower, Helianthus x multiflorus & H. decapetalus | yellow |
Heliopsis, Heliopsis | yellow |
Coralbells, Heuchera (still flowering since May) | red, pink, white |
Rose Mallow, Hibiscus moscheutos | red, pink, white |
Hosta Honeybells | blue |
Hosta Royal Standard (fragrant) | white |
Lamium, L. maculatum | lilac |
Gay Feather (Blazing Star), Liatrus spp. | lilac, purple, white |
Cardinal Flower, Lobelia cardinalis | scarlet |
Blue Cardinal Fl., L. siphilitica | blue |
Catmint, Nepeta spp. | blue |
Giant Sundrop, Oenothera missourensis | yellow |
Phlox, Phlox paniculata (flowering since July) | pink, white |
False Dragonhead (0bedient Plant), Physostegia spp. | white, pink, purple |
Balloon Flower, Platycodon spp. | blue, white |
Black-eyed Susan, Rudbeckia spp. | yellow |
Sedum Autumn Joy, Hylotelephium spectabile | pink, mauve |
Greek Mallow, Sidalcea spp. | pink |
Goldenrod, Solidago spp. | yellow |
To further assist you with your landscape needs – we recommend hiring a professional.
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