March 28, 2023

Good news stories for the Snow and Ice Sector
Landscape Ontario’s Snow and Ice Sector Group needs your support to help establish a level playing field for snow and ice contractors across Ontario. Please pick your brains and remember a time when a client or community member was grateful to you for assisting them in their time of need.
- Have you received a letter, card or email from a thankful client?
- Was your crew or their work featured in the media where they were thanked?
We are looking for good news stories to complement Daisy Group’s public relations campaign while we roll out our government outreach. Ideally, we want a list of good news stories from all parts of the province highlighting the positive work we do in communities in every region of the province. If possible, we would want to connect with your client or the community member to see if they would be willing to support our cause with additional media quotes or interviews.
As you know, our industry has faced numerous obstacles for decades. Over the past few years, we have accomplished a lot and the time has come to use this momentum to work directly with the provincial government in order to:
- Create an Act that will support the establishment of an Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) over snow and ice management, including enacting regulations regarding owners, site managers, and contractors;
- Change current Acts so owners and managers cannot transfer their responsibilities over to contractors;
- Change current Acts giving both owners and contractors legal liability protections if they have taken the required education and can demonstrate compliance with the established education and requirements; and
- Commission a detailed study of the industry and its ongoing problems to inform the best possible policy decisions for the government to enact.
Give your input
Landscape Ontario members have been called upon by Daisy Group to contribute their input on a few questions regarding the snow insurance crisis. This will help to propel the process of succession forward.GIVE FEEDBACK
Financial support also needed
Landscape Ontario, the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association, and the Snow and Ice Management Association of North America, along with a large group of contractors, have all contributed to a fund which has been set up to support this action. We urgently request all contractors in the snow and ice sector to support this action with a financial contribution.Your support, through a financial contribution, is urgently needed. Your contribution can be sent via e-transfer to to support this ongoing effort. Please include the word "snow" in the message.
You can also make a contribution by cheque, payable to Landscape Ontario and please include the word "snow" in the memo field. Cheques can be dropped off at the LO office, or mailed to:
Landscape Ontario
7856 Fifth Line South
Milton ON L9T 2X8
7856 Fifth Line South
Milton ON L9T 2X8
Your financial contribution at any level is very much appreciated.
Your time is very much appreciated.

Watch a recording of the special meeting held May 25, 2023 at the Landscape Ontario head office.
Warren Kinsella, president of the Daisy Consulting Group, political commentator, and Toronto Sun columnist, outlines the public and government relations efforts to address the snow liability insurance crisis, including an update on the huge amount of progress so far.