November 6, 2018
Canada’s agriculture sector is poised for growth, as the global market for Canadian agricultural products expands to meet the demands of an ever-increasing world population. However, this sector faces significant workforce challenges that could jeopardize its growth potential and contribution to the national economy. Every province and commodity in Canada is affected by chronic and significant labour shortages.

To ensure a healthy future for agriculture in Canada, it is urgent that the agriculture industry find and implement solutions to address the looming workforce crisis.

The Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council (CAHRC) research is conducting a Labour Market Information (LMI) survey until Nov. 30, 2018. to help to better clarify labour shortage issues and to determine if the labour shortage and agricultural job vacancies are growing.

All farm owner-operators, agricultural workers and supporting stakeholder groups can help by providing valuable input to guide future action on workforce issues.

By understanding workforce needs, the agricultural industry can then present the new research to policy makers. LMI for the agriculture industry helps us understand the current state of farm labour and accurately forecasts requirements for the next 10 years by province, commodity and occupation.

Please take 10-15 minutes to help in building a sustainable workforce of the future. A link to the online survey can be found online at

The Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council (CAHRC) is a national, non-profit organization focused on addressing human resource issues facing agricultural businesses across Canada. Over the past ten years, the Council has worked with industry stakeholders to quantify labour requirements and trends.