March 15, 2016
Is networking and learning season coming to an end?
By Rachel Cerelli
Membership and Chapter Coordinator
It’s March already. Where did the time go?
You have probably all been very busy preparing for the fast approaching season, wishing for the frost to go away so that you can start working. Hopefully, you have taken advantage of some of the many chapter meetings and sector-specific conferences over the past few months. This year has certainly been an exciting one! Topics covered across the province ranged from Safety with WSPS/the MTO to financial and succession planning. Another very popular topic covered at many chapters is social media.
If you were unable to take advantage of these opportunities, don’t worry, there are still many informative and inspiring events coming up. Each month, we let you know what is happening so you can plan ahead to attend any number of these exciting events and meetings.
A new idea coming out of the Georgian Lakelands Chapter is a pep rally on March 31. It is designed to get both the local industry and workforce excited about the coming season. The chapter is teaming up with Mike Pennington from Lakeridge Contracting (of #Lakeridgebrigade fame), so it’s sure to get everyone pumped with energy. Students and industry will also have a chance to mingle, providing an excellent match for job postings and available labour. Are you getting excited about this idea too?! Mixing a chapter pre-season pep rally with our incoming industry labour is a brilliant idea.
When the snow melts and you are once again back in the swing of a busy and profitable season, your chapters will start to host their annual golf and baseball tournaments, providing great opportunities for a much needed break, or to reward your hard working crews. A new addition to an event this year will see a family canoe trip added to the family fun day at Bingemans water park in Kitchener.
Regardless of where you live, there is sure to be a fun event coming to your area. For more information on getting involved in your chapter’s or sector’s events, please contact our office. Any one of us would be glad to help.
The LO membership team is here to ensure your needs are met through industry specific education, networking and fun-filled family events. Contact us at or 1-800-265-5656.
Membership and Chapter Coordinator

You have probably all been very busy preparing for the fast approaching season, wishing for the frost to go away so that you can start working. Hopefully, you have taken advantage of some of the many chapter meetings and sector-specific conferences over the past few months. This year has certainly been an exciting one! Topics covered across the province ranged from Safety with WSPS/the MTO to financial and succession planning. Another very popular topic covered at many chapters is social media.
If you were unable to take advantage of these opportunities, don’t worry, there are still many informative and inspiring events coming up. Each month, we let you know what is happening so you can plan ahead to attend any number of these exciting events and meetings.
A new idea coming out of the Georgian Lakelands Chapter is a pep rally on March 31. It is designed to get both the local industry and workforce excited about the coming season. The chapter is teaming up with Mike Pennington from Lakeridge Contracting (of #Lakeridgebrigade fame), so it’s sure to get everyone pumped with energy. Students and industry will also have a chance to mingle, providing an excellent match for job postings and available labour. Are you getting excited about this idea too?! Mixing a chapter pre-season pep rally with our incoming industry labour is a brilliant idea.
When the snow melts and you are once again back in the swing of a busy and profitable season, your chapters will start to host their annual golf and baseball tournaments, providing great opportunities for a much needed break, or to reward your hard working crews. A new addition to an event this year will see a family canoe trip added to the family fun day at Bingemans water park in Kitchener.
Regardless of where you live, there is sure to be a fun event coming to your area. For more information on getting involved in your chapter’s or sector’s events, please contact our office. Any one of us would be glad to help.
The LO membership team is here to ensure your needs are met through industry specific education, networking and fun-filled family events. Contact us at or 1-800-265-5656.