July 15, 2014
John Lamberink enjoys volunteer time while helping improve his industry

John Lamberink
Lamberink has been a volunteer member of the Landscape Ontario Irrigation Sector Group since 2007. This year the group is calling for irrigation companies to celebrate July as Smart Irrigation Month.
Says Lamberink, “All industry professionals and businesses are encouraged to find creative ways to participate in Smart Irrigation Month by promoting irrigation practices and technologies that can minimize peak water use, reduce demands on infrastructure and communicate the role that efficient irrigation plays in long-term sustainability of water resources.”
Lamberink says he was encouraged by the late Mark Storey to become a member. “If you knew Mark, you know how assertive he could be and the language he used to talk me into getting involved.” Since then, Lamberink has been a director on the Irrigation Sector Group and the Environmental Stewardship Group, along with other focus groups that are created through the two groups he belongs to. “I do as much as time permits,” he says.
With many great memories of his time volunteering over the years, Lamberink says the networking and camaraderie of fellow volunteers are two areas he benefits from. He says discussing challenges he and his peers face is a huge benefit. Looking at the big picture for the industry, Lamberink says that Smart Irrigation Month is a way the LO sector group can increase awareness of the value of efficient water use and grow demand for water-saving products, practices and services.
“We (Irrigation Sector Group) want to hear from contractors about what they are doing to make a positive impact through efficient irrigation and water use. We invite them to share their efforts by submitting an entry to Landscape Ontario. Basically, the intent is for contractors to tell us what they are doing big or small.”
To enter the contest, fill out the following form http://gfl.me/x28q and email it to smartirrigation@landscapeontario.com.
Along with time spent helping to improve his industry, Lamberink also is a director of a credit union and occasionally helps with his church’s youth groups.