October 15, 2017
Law requires mandatory health and safety postings

The following are the current mandatory posting requirements in Ontario for workplaces with more than five employees, unless ordered by an inspector:
Employment Standards in Ontario poster
This poster outlines employees’ rights and employers’ responsibilities in the workplace.
Health and Safety at Work - Prevention Starts Here poster
This details the rights and responsibilities of workplace parties, as well as providing a MOL phone number to report critical injuries, fatalities, work refusals and to obtain information about workplace health and safety.
Occupational Health and Safety Act
Employers are required to post a copy of this resource featuring all workplace legislation in Ontario.
Health and safety policy
This document must be prepared and reviewed at least once a year and cover your organization’s health and safety policy and its implementation.
Workplace violence and harassment policies
Employers must prepare policies and programs specific to workplace violence and harassment and review them at least once a year.
Positioning mandatory postings in a prominent location will result in a more informed team and act as a constant reminder that potential issues could arise. It also makes an important statement about a company’s commitment to the well-being of its employees.
Given the number of seasonal and young workers across the agriculture sector, having this information visible can also play an important role in ensuring workers understand their responsibilities, as well as those of other workers.
Since mandatory postings are law, operating a business while not being in compliance could result in a fine.
For links to download or order posters available from the MOL, visit horttrades.com/hs-posters or visit labour.gov.on.ca.