September 13, 2022

LO Growers Group Newsletter - September 2022
This report is provided by LO’s Grower Technical Analyst, Jeanine West.
Please contact Jeanine for more information: or 1-705-796-8812.
We need your feedback! If there are items you wish us to include in these updates, please let Jeanine know.
Please contact Jeanine for more information: or 1-705-796-8812.
We need your feedback! If there are items you wish us to include in these updates, please let Jeanine know.
1. Spotted Lanterfly is on our doorstep
There has been a new find of a population in Buffalo area and last month there was a find in Michigan. Intentional and ongoing scouting for the presence of this pest is critical. Contact Jeanine or Jamie (and your local CFIA office!) if you suspect you have SLF on your farm.Excellent images and resources are available on APHIS’s SLF website, as well as the University of Massachusetts Amherst site.
2. Box Tree Moth traps
The second flight season is well underway in Southern Ontario. If you get a positive find in a trap, please contact us right away so we can follow the spread. Refer to the BMPs if you have a positive BTM find on your farm.3. CNLA Updates
Provided by Jamie Aalbers, Growers Sector SpecialistBox Tree Moth:
- LO, CNLA, and BCLNA responded to the Risk Management Decision document for Box tree moth, supporting the option of regulating all of Ontario for BTM.
- The recommended option is Federal regulation of the pest — Creation of a regulated area for all of Ontario to slow the spread of box tree moth and protect non-infested areas.
- This was also the recommendation from the CNLA BTM Task Force, this indicates CFIA is serious about slowing the spread of BTM which will help in negotiations with the U.S. to restore trade.
Nursery tour in Netherlands:
- In conjunction with the AIPH fall meetings in Almere, CNLA members have been invited to participate in a tour of ornamental farms in the area along with growers from Italy and other countries. Although the details are still being developed, if you are interested in participating, please email so he can gauge the level of interest. Planned travel dates are around Sept. 28 to Oct. 1, 2022, so act quickly if you want to participate.
- Cost share for the tour is available through AgriMarketing.