Niagara Parks Issues Request for Proposals (RFP)
Development of Queen Victoria Park Concept Master Plan
Process closes August 31
Niagara Falls, ON – The Niagara Parks Commission has issued a formal Request for Proposals (RFP) to the Planning, Architectural and Landscape Architectural Consultant community, seeking assistance and support for the development of a renewed Concept Master Plan for Queen Victoria Park.
The purpose of the Concept Master Plan is to establish a set of structured guidelines for the ongoing development, programming and management of Niagara Parks lands within Queen Victoria Park, from Oakes Garden Theatre and its Rainbow Gardens to Kingsbridge Park.
The goal of the Concept Master Plan is to carefully consider the many facets that ensure visitors will continue to enjoy one of the most spectacular Parks in the world, while preserving the Parks for future generations. The Plan will focus on how visitors connect emotionally and physically with the lands and spaces within Queen Victoria Park, examine connectivity and movement from within the study area and access from areas outside of it. The Plan will identify existing nodes like Oakes Garden Theatre, Grandview Market Place, Queen Victoria Place, Oak Hall and its golf course, Table Rock Visitor Centre and Kingsbridge Park, as well as potential nodes such as the historic former Power Plants, and the Niagara Parks Floral Showhouse. Natural heritage features within the Master Plan also include the Moraine, Dufferin Islands and the Niagara Gorge, which are important habitat for rare and/or endangered species.
The development of the Concept Master Plan will be based upon Niagara Parks’ vision and mandate and new Strategic Plan and will be a blueprint to lead the organization forward, by:
- Leveraging and activating Niagara Parks’ natural wonders and iconic experiences;
- Preserving and showcasing Niagara Parks’ rich heritage, culture and lifestyle;
- Supporting a dynamic business environment with a focus on investment attraction, connection to local communities, job creation and economic well-being; and;
- Taking experiences and services to the next level.
Interested parties will find the RFP on the Biddingo procurement portal at The RFP process will close on Thursday, August 31. For more information, please visit
The Niagara Parks Commission is committed to a vision of Ontario’s Niagara Parks as one that Preserves a rich heritage, Conserves natural wonders, and Inspires people world-wide. Founded in 1885, Niagara Parks is an Operational Enterprise Agency of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport. Its mission is to protect the natural and cultural heritage along the Niagara River for the enjoyment of visitors while maintaining financial self-sufficiency.