April 15, 2016

Photo courtesy Sod Solutions.
Spread the lawn care message in April
For many years the green profession has recognized April as National Lawn Care Month. The start of the spring season is the perfect time to harness the public’s excitement about the outdoors and remind them about the benefits of a well cared for lawn.
Now, there’s an online toolkit to help green professionals get the word out to consumers through social media. Promoted by the National Association of Landscape Professionals, the online materials include photos, articles, infographics, tips for homeowners and activities for kids.
Consider speaking with your clients or using your professional social media accounts to share interesting facts like: a 50 by 50-ft. lawn provides enough oxygen for a family of four. Or, lawns trap more than 12 million tons of dirt and dust annually.
Use the hashtag #lawncaremonth to join the conversation and visit landscapeprofessionals.org for tools and information.
Now, there’s an online toolkit to help green professionals get the word out to consumers through social media. Promoted by the National Association of Landscape Professionals, the online materials include photos, articles, infographics, tips for homeowners and activities for kids.
Consider speaking with your clients or using your professional social media accounts to share interesting facts like: a 50 by 50-ft. lawn provides enough oxygen for a family of four. Or, lawns trap more than 12 million tons of dirt and dust annually.
Use the hashtag #lawncaremonth to join the conversation and visit landscapeprofessionals.org for tools and information.