
Jan 1, 2016
A home for designers
An interview with Haig Seferian, principal of Seferian Design Group in Burlington, Ont., and a leading champion for establishing and promoting meaningful credentials for landscape designers.

Jul 15, 2015
Sector Groups active in industry issues
Landscape Ontario has ten groups to address the specific needs of green industry sectors.

Dec 15, 2014
Design Challenge inspires future green industry leaders
Nowadays our lives are moving indoors, with more and more people, especially children, spending the vast majority of their time inside and sedentary.
Dec 15, 2014
Landscape Designer Conference promises to inspire
Landscape Ontario’s Designer Sector Group is the organizing committee for this all-day event full of sessions, socializing and plenty of time for getting caught up with your peers.
Jun 1, 2014
Slowing water — by design
Runoff is a serious urban problem; plants and construction techniques are offering solutions.

May 15, 2014
Chris Mace says volunteering at LO pays dividends
Chair of the Landscape Designers Sector Group got involved to accelerate his pace to learn about design and to build dream gardens.