
May 4, 2021
2 billion trees in 10 years
The Canadian government announced an ambitious tree planting campaign. Can they pull it off?

Feb 1, 2021
Feds promise to plant 2 billion trees
The Government of Canada announced its plan to plant two billion trees over 10 years, with an investment of $3.16 billion.

Jan 15, 2018
The easier way to integrate fruit trees into landscapes
Explore how to research and source fruit trees that are easier to grow.
Jun 1, 2016
Impact of stress on urban trees
Planting trees in the urban landscape provides countless benefits; trees limit the heat island effect, clean the air, raise property values and beautify the landscape.
Sep 15, 2013
How much money does that tree in your yard save you?
Ryerson professor has developed an online device to calculate the energy savings of specific trees.
Jun 27, 2013
Amelanchier serviceberry
Serviceberry is a very versatile small tree that offers multi-seasonal interest.

Jun 27, 2013
Aesculus flava yellow buckeye
This eastern North American native is a good, large tree best in spots where lovely shape can be appreciated. It is quite showy in bloom, attracting pollinators.

Jun 27, 2013
Acer xfreemanii freeman maple
Freeman maples are chosen for the wonderful fall colour and are effective when used in a swale or reclamation project.