September 1, 2016
The value of chapter meetings and events
By Myscha Burton
Membership and Chapter Coordinator
Landscape Ontario is made up of nine chapters across the province. Each chapter hosts at least five chapter meetings per year. Chapter meetings feature guest speakers, education and training opportunities, plus social events — many of which are family friendly. Each chapter has its own volunteer executive board, which works tirelessly to bring you these events. They know the challenge of balancing work and family and they appreciate your precious time.
Chapter meetings allow you to connect with local colleagues and suppliers, as well as offering unique opportunities for discussion and education on business topics. Our chapters continue to research the latest trends and topics to feature at meetings to make best use of your time. Chapters have been making changes to their meeting locations to reach out to members located throughout their regions. Both the Georgian Lakelands and Upper Canada chapters rotate where meetings are held in an effort to make travel time more balanced throughout the chapter. About two years ago, there was a lot of discussion about changing the format of chapter meetings and making them available online. We asked the following questions: Is there a better way to share information at a chapter level? If we changed to digital meetings, are we taking away from the value of face-to-face networking? Are you as likely to come to a meeting if there is the option of watching it from home? Would you get the same value out of a meeting held online? We are constantly trying to address these challenges and questions. We continue to investigate the technologies that exist to make meetings available online, but also appreciate there is great value in meeting face-to-face. Each year, the benefits of personal meetings are highlighted at the social events hosted throughout the summer.
Membership and Chapter Coordinator

Chapter meetings allow you to connect with local colleagues and suppliers, as well as offering unique opportunities for discussion and education on business topics. Our chapters continue to research the latest trends and topics to feature at meetings to make best use of your time. Chapters have been making changes to their meeting locations to reach out to members located throughout their regions. Both the Georgian Lakelands and Upper Canada chapters rotate where meetings are held in an effort to make travel time more balanced throughout the chapter. About two years ago, there was a lot of discussion about changing the format of chapter meetings and making them available online. We asked the following questions: Is there a better way to share information at a chapter level? If we changed to digital meetings, are we taking away from the value of face-to-face networking? Are you as likely to come to a meeting if there is the option of watching it from home? Would you get the same value out of a meeting held online? We are constantly trying to address these challenges and questions. We continue to investigate the technologies that exist to make meetings available online, but also appreciate there is great value in meeting face-to-face. Each year, the benefits of personal meetings are highlighted at the social events hosted throughout the summer.