August 1, 2018

Unique snow business event: Snowposium
Landscape Ontario’s Snowposium, an annual event for snow and ice removal contractors and suppliers, will take place Sept. 25 in Brampton, Ont. LO’s Snow and Ice Sector Group has selected Lionhead Golf and Conference Centre as this year’s venue.
The 2018 edition will focus on the conference portion of the event, and will also have a tabletop exhibit area, featuring snow and ice removal equipment, technology and affiliated products.
Planned conference topics will include a legislative update relating to the snow and ice industry, a Smart About Salt overview, a detailed session on the Landscape Ontario Standard Form Snow and Ice Maintenance Contract, claims management, civil litigation issues and an in-class commercial vehicle inspection demo.
Conference passes include in-class sessions, lunch and exhibits. Registration is now open, at $85 for provincial trade association members and $115 for non-members. After Sept. 14, prices go up. Details on the event and registration can be found at