June 1, 2016

Colourful resources support National Pollinator Week.
U.S. garden centres promote pollinators
American garden retailers will celebrate National Pollinator Week, June 20-26, in an effort to increase public awareness of the plight of pollinators and to supply solutions to customers looking to help. Put forward by the National Pollinator Garden Network as part of its Million Pollinator Garden Challenge, Pollinator Week involves public messaging and family friendly events.
“National Pollinator Week was unanimously approved and designated nine years ago by the U.S. Senate to focus broader attention on pollinator health and the decline of pollinator populations,” explains Craig Regelbrugge of AmericanHort, and an NPGN founding member. “Each year the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture signs the proclamation, and 2016 is gearing up to be the biggest celebration of pollinators’ vital role in our ecosystem yet.”
For more information, visit: www.pollinator.org/pollinatorweek.