Dec 6, 2022
Highway of Heroes surpasses two million tree goal
HoH planted its last trees at Fort York in Toronto on Nov. 2, 2022.

Nov 3, 2022
Highway of Heroes celebrates 2 millon commemorative trees planted
The Highway of Heroes Living Tribute campaign celebrated the planting of the last of nearly 2.5 million trees honoring those who have served in the Canadian Military.

Jul 6, 2021
GMC provides new vehicle for tree planting campaign
Horsepower added to Highway of Heroes Living Tribute’s campaign.

Jun 29, 2021
Ontario Contributes 880,000 trees to Living Tribute
Highway of Heroes and Forests Ontario expand green monument along Highway 401
Jan 5, 2021
Ottawa announces funding to plant two billion trees
Dec. 14 announcement also mentioned continued support for the Highway of Heroes Living Tribute.

Sep 1, 2020
Idea helps trees succeed
The Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign’s overall goal is to plant 117,000 trees — one for every Canadian soldier who has died defending our freedom from Confederation until the present.

Jul 31, 2020
Ontario government supports Highway of Heroes tree planting
The Ontario government announced $1 million in funding to support the the Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign.

Oct 15, 2019
Golf tournament raises $80,000 for tree planting campaign
Third annual event held a Port Hope Golf and Country Club.